My name is Jaromír Matýšek, but since that is almost impossible to remember and (know how to) pronounce, I’m usually going under the name of Kerray.
This website serves as my business card and concentrates all the different things I do and their results. This website is (always) under construction.

Kerray online avatar

Jaromír Matýšek

DJ Kerray

With my wife Jitka
There are a lot of things here, and more are coming:
- music – mostly psytrance and electronic chillout/ambient
- programming projects
- amateur journalism, where I’m sharing notable links in Czech on cesky.reddit.com
- Czech translations under nonprofit archetypal.cz – for example Harry Potter and Methods of Rationality
- pictures, travel photos, fractals
- old invitations and party reports
- short stories and essays
If you have no idea what to think about this or about me, don’t worry, I don’t know either even after four decades with myself.
You can learn more about me on a separate page.
You can also find me on social networks:
- Jádromír na Twitteru – in Czech
- Kerray na Twitteru – in English